Tuesday, June 14, 2011

testing out the freebie

as you already know, I purchased circle lenses from shoppingholics.com. and in my video I show you that they send a free face/eye mask with the lenses. welllllllll, I tried it! o yeah, they sent me a free eye mask! it is mainly for under your eyes.

so here is me before:
yeah I know I look like shit without makeup after I freshly wash my face.

the mask on my bags:
they look and feel like pieces of jelly fish


yeah, I don't see a difference. I figured it wouldn't be an instant difference; it is probably something that would reduce the bags after using the mask religiously. but, it was free and I am not buying more. It made my eyes water at first, but that might be from putting it so close to my bottom lids. meh.

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