Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's been a long time.........and there's a slight review

Hi! It has been a long time since I posted on this blog, and my other blog too. Not that anyone reads it LOL. A lot has changed: I moved about 800 miles to be with my gentleman lover, we have a cat, I have a full-time big girl job, an iPhone and I have acrylic nails now....which makes work & typing this difficult. But it makes me feel super girly! Also, since I started losing weight around 5 years ago, I have gone from 165lbs to 127lbs! Practically 40lbs! I still see the fat girl in the mirror, but that will always be in the back of my mind. And it should be because it prevents me from ever getting big again.
Most exciting about that is my cat, Luna. Or Luna Tuna, Balloona, Roona, or The Loon. Let's face it: she's fucking nuts. She's kind of a cunt, but cuddly and adorable. Spoiled little princess. I love my cat though. She's our baby since we lack real babies at the current moment.
Adorable, right? You can see the evil creeping out of those ungodly large eyes??? When its night time, those eyes are all black and terribly creepy. Makes her even more precious ;-)

But that's all good. Now onto some products! So I am a bit of a mascara junkie/closet mascara freak. To me, it is the easiest thing to put on that can change your whole look, besides foundation. I have amassed quite a collection over the past couple of years. I used to be a tomboy, especially when I was heavy & single. But that changed around 5 years ago & I love being girly. It's funny; my aversion to the girly could stem from the fact that twice a year I would don frilly costumes & hooker makeup for my dance recitals. I loved dancing (I miss it) but hated doing makeup. But that has all changed! Ok, so I am also a Rimmel fan, and adding Zooey Deschanel to the commercials make me want to buy it even more. So I didn't actually buy the Lash Accelerator mascara first. I didn't see the need to have them grow if they were still going to be a little thin.......voila! Volume Accelerator mascara!
ooooo, ahhhhh

It would help if I took a picture of my lashes before I started using this, but I can say they are definitely thicker. One of my coworkers even noticed my eyelashes were looking different & nicer. yay! I'm glad it has worked, and I am even more impressed that I have actually been using it for almost two months, every day. I fail at remembering to do things that need to be done everyday (vitamins, rx, flossing). I do wear makeup everyday, at least powder & mascara, so its starting to make more sense as to why I actually stuck with something!
see, they look thick....?! I can see my wonky outside lash ha-ha. I have a couple of those...

So now that my lashes are thick, I bought the Lash Accelerator today! While I love love love the Volume Accelerator, I want to add length so it seems logical.
ooooo shiny

So that picture of my lash is before the mascara and hopefully in 30 days or so there will be some longer lashes gracing my lids. And now I'm sick of typing.


Thursday, June 30, 2011


So my free lenses from Shippingholics are still not here due to the zip code mix up. It happened on 6/25. It is now 6/30.....SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! They need to fix it!!!!!! I am moving on 7/6 (more like 7/5 evening) and it is a holiday weekend. I'll never get it and then my dad will have to mail it whenever it gets here. Gah he's so nosy too.

On another note: why are people on youtube rude? I made my video review of my lenses and someone was so kind as to tell me: "Wow, you are so boring". Because I don't think you should be rude like that (I don't leave mean comments), I promptly deleted the comment. Now, I went to this person's page, and from their one video they seem to be a 14 year old boy. And by the looks of it, none too popular at high school. I considered leaving a comment or sending a message to him explaining why he is rude. Then I remembered that when I was his age I would've just told the older person that they were stupid and continue to be rude.
So please don't leave rude comments. It is mean and just because you are anonymous does not mean you can say whatever you feel. It is so rude when I go to hair tutorials, or makeup tutorials and users just comment on how the poster is "some stupid scene kid" or "you're a poseur"...stuff like that. Or when I see the really racist comments. I don't know why you are so insensitive.
And it isn't to say that I am not rude in person. If I know you and you piss me off, I'll tell you. But those are usually long-term friends or family and I don't mind hurting their feelings on occasion, since they are doing it to me.

Please, be nice.

Thanks :-)

Sunday, June 26, 2011


it's my new favorite song! well, at least this week :-)


so I was mad at the USPS this morning because I went to check the status of my free lenses from shoppingholics and it said that they had now been forwarded. Soooo "forwarded" meant they were being sent to a forwarding address or that the wrong zip code was on there. Well, where it was sent to, the zipcode had one digit wrong and it got sent to a different part of town :-( but unlike my old town, this one does not have double of the street name, so I think it only went to the post office and is hopefully being sent to my address. I will, begrudgingly, be going to the post office at around 8:30am to see if my package is en route to my house!!!!!! I WANT MY FREE LENSES!!!!
I would love to blame shoppingholics but it is a common mistake in my area. There are more than 30...I wanna codes in my town! And most of time it is one different digit. And they got my address this time from an email, so in a quick glance it got messed up. No biggy! I just want my lenses! I do not know what kind they are and I can't stand the antici.................PATION! o dr. frank n furter.

so yeah....hopefully they will be here before I move on 7/6!!!!!!!!!!!! review for that!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

almost there

soo it is pretty much my last week of school! And I have so much homework due, it's ridiculous. I also procrastinate like crazy.....I shouldn't be blogging or making videos.......I just couldn't help myself ;-) so yeah I made some videos......on some stuff I should check them out!

Monday, June 20, 2011


on a mini vacation! I am currently visiting my boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! we live 800 miles away from each other, but I am making the big move back up to him in about 2 weeks!!!! Majorly exciting! it is always neat to see him, because I will go about 2 or more months in between visits. there is always this neat nervousness/getting to know them again because, while I talk to him on Skype and on the phone, physically seeing him and hugging him is a little new each time ;-)

But I will not be updating any videos or products at the moment. I am in the process of receiving new lenses from!!!!! But I have to start packing and stuff when I get home. I am also having a not so good hair day since I slept with wet hair.

I do have a new sort of favorite leave-in conditioner. and it is super cheap. V05 moisturizing conditioner is fantastic as a leave-in!!!!! I bought it for 89cents, but I know Wal-Mart has it for about 75cents! My hair is super soft right now even though it is kind of flat haha.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

surprises in the mail

so I'm at a super-mega store when my Dad calls me telling me I got a package in the mail. He tells me the return name but I can hardly hear. He explains it is heavy and only has my first name on it.....I can tell he is dying to open it because he is super nosy. I can't wait till I finish this semester and I can move back with my boyfriend to start the rest of my life. Anyway, I tell my dad I have no idea what it is, because I honestly do not! And then he tells me my rx sunglasses also came in the mail.

So what is the package you may ask? It is my complimentary voxbox from! Now I thought they weren't actually going to send me anything as I assume they wouldn't follow through with their youtube message. But they did!!! Haven't opened it yet, because I will be doing a video about it today!

And my rx sunglasses came in from! Another video, yay!!!!


********Here are the 2 videos***********