Monday, June 20, 2011


on a mini vacation! I am currently visiting my boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! we live 800 miles away from each other, but I am making the big move back up to him in about 2 weeks!!!! Majorly exciting! it is always neat to see him, because I will go about 2 or more months in between visits. there is always this neat nervousness/getting to know them again because, while I talk to him on Skype and on the phone, physically seeing him and hugging him is a little new each time ;-)

But I will not be updating any videos or products at the moment. I am in the process of receiving new lenses from!!!!! But I have to start packing and stuff when I get home. I am also having a not so good hair day since I slept with wet hair.

I do have a new sort of favorite leave-in conditioner. and it is super cheap. V05 moisturizing conditioner is fantastic as a leave-in!!!!! I bought it for 89cents, but I know Wal-Mart has it for about 75cents! My hair is super soft right now even though it is kind of flat haha.

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