Sunday, June 26, 2011


so I was mad at the USPS this morning because I went to check the status of my free lenses from shoppingholics and it said that they had now been forwarded. Soooo "forwarded" meant they were being sent to a forwarding address or that the wrong zip code was on there. Well, where it was sent to, the zipcode had one digit wrong and it got sent to a different part of town :-( but unlike my old town, this one does not have double of the street name, so I think it only went to the post office and is hopefully being sent to my address. I will, begrudgingly, be going to the post office at around 8:30am to see if my package is en route to my house!!!!!! I WANT MY FREE LENSES!!!!
I would love to blame shoppingholics but it is a common mistake in my area. There are more than 30...I wanna codes in my town! And most of time it is one different digit. And they got my address this time from an email, so in a quick glance it got messed up. No biggy! I just want my lenses! I do not know what kind they are and I can't stand the antici.................PATION! o dr. frank n furter.

so yeah....hopefully they will be here before I move on 7/6!!!!!!!!!!!! review for that!

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